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How to cancel subscriptions?Updated a year ago

You can cancel your subscription by logging into your account here or if you don't remember/have not setup your account yet, you can access your account here.  

Please note that if you did not create an account at checkout, you'll have to create an account using the same email address you used to purchase, you will then receive a confirmation email to confirm your account. 

Depending on how you logged in you may see your account page which you will need to click 'Manage Subscriptions':

This will take you to the subscription portal. Find your subscription and click "Manage this subscription":

You should see your subscription details with a "Cancel Subscription" button at the bottom of the page:

You will be asked some questions regarding the subscription and you can choose to answer them or press the 'cancel subscription' button to skip them and cancel the subscription.

If you are on mobile, you may need to scroll down a bit to see the "Cancel subscription" button

Your subscription should now be canceled. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you ordered a drink with your box, you MUST cancel this subscription item as well to stop all further charges

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